Euclid Hall
If you like math you’re a total dweeb. All math students will be shamed on campus. No one will like you. Interested in the program yet?
Degrees Offered
If you only have an associate’s degree in Excel, we guess that means you won’t really “excel” in life. Fortunately for us, we don’t care about you.
Being an accountant is fun. Said nobody. Ever.
To be fair, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates didn’t have a degree in business and they’re billionaires. Hmm. That statement doesn’t seem like the best way to get your money…
Don’t you want to be that person everyone hates?
Wonplus Tu
“When you reach the end of your rope, you probably have a math degree”
Cal Qulater
“It is during our darkest moments that we think we need a math degree.”
Mr. Paris
Mr. Paris is a sad and pathetic man. His annoying voice would make students go running if they weren’t forced to attend class. He lives by himself at home with no cats because even the cats find his voice annoying. Paris dreams of traveling but it probably won’t happen since he makes no money.
He has an associates degree in graphic design, so this was the only job he can get. Honestly, at this university, it makes sense.