Pericles Hall

If we’re being honest you will probably make more money learning a trade in a year than a job you can get with a four year degree.


Trades Offered

  • To make it realistic we have you work with real people. Don’t worry, they’re blind. They won’t see how badly you cut their hair.

  • Stick some metal in the fire. One kid stuck his arm in there. Hephaestus stuck his face in there. Oh, no, wait, that’s just how he always looks.

  • We will only let you into the program if you’re mean, nasty, and enjoy failing poor teenagers.

  • Usually we require you to be Indian, but there might be a few call centers left in the US who knows.

  • Your head will be forever filled with children’s screams.

  • We’re charging you to learn to shush people for a living.


Bleu Callar

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about Olympus U: Waste of time!!!”

Yoon Yun

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Because at this school, you probably will.”