Socrates Hall
They say psychology is for people who can’t decide on a better major. Some may say it’s the major for squares. Do you want to be a square?
Degrees Offered
Ask yourself why you want this degree. Do you seriously like kids or a you a perv? At this point both of those sound bad.
This isn’t the study of mental patients. It’s the study of the mind. That’s what psychology is? Shh. Don’t tell the people paying for this degree.
We need people to study the mind that isn’t the mind. Confused yet? That’s psychology for you.
You need a PhD to tell doctors they’re crazy.
Heidi Ache
“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be in this class.”
Anna Urism
“Insanity is going to this class and doing the same thing, over and over again, and still failing.”
Mr. Menelaus
We all have that teacher that no one really cared about because they were so drab. That teacher would be Mr. Menelaus. A student actually mistook a pile of bricks for Menelaus because he is so boring and unmemorable. He is so droll, in fact, that his mother forgets he’s her son.
Though being terribly uninteresting, Menelaus managed to date Helen Troy. This could change bearing any unforeseen drama with Mr. Paris…
Since he is drab, all students fall asleep during class and don’t remember their lessons. In fact, one graduate, Hestia Von Brandt failed every one of her classes with him. That’s either her fault or his, the jury’s still out.